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02 March 2018

Assign CFL To EditText through SDK

Dear All,
   Today , We will see, How to Assign CFL To EditText through SDK

 Public Sub AssignCFLToEditText(ByVal aForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form, ByVal strEditUid As String, ByVal strCFLId As String, ByVal strCFLAliase As String)
        Dim oItem As SAPbouiCOM.Item = Nothing
        Dim oEdit As SAPbouiCOM.EditText = Nothing
            oItem = aForm.Items.Item(strEditUid)
            oEdit = oItem.Specific
            oEdit.ChooseFromListUID = strCFLId
            oEdit.ChooseFromListAlias = strCFLAliase
        Catch ex As Exception

            If oItem IsNot Nothing Then
                oItem = Nothing
            End If
            If oEdit IsNot Nothing Then
                oEdit = Nothing
            End If
        End Try

    End Sub