Add Linked Button through SAP Business One SDK- VB.NET
SAP Business One is a powerful enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that allows businesses to streamline their operations. One of the key strengths of SAP Business One is its extensibility, which enables developers to enhance the user interface (UI) and functionality according to specific business needs.In this blog post, we will focus on a common customization - adding a linked button to a form using the SAP Business One SDK in VB.NET. Linked buttons are a convenient way to integrate custom functionality into the SAP Business One UI, providing users with quick access to specific actions.
Public Sub AddLinkedButton(ByVal objForm As SAPbouiCOM.Form, ByVal ItemUID As String, ByVal SourceID As String, ByVal iLeft As Integer, ByVal iWidth As Integer, ByVal iHeight As Integer, ByVal LinkTo As String, ByVal strLinkedObjectType As String, ByVal strLinkedObject As String)
Dim oItem As SAPbouiCOM.Item = Nothing
If objForm IsNot Nothing Then
oItem = objForm.Items.Add(ItemUID, SAPbouiCOM.BoFormItemTypes.it_LINKED_BUTTON)
oItem.Top = objForm.Items.Item(SourceID).Top
oItem.Left = iLeft + (objForm.Items.Item(SourceID).Left + objForm.Items.Item(SourceID).Width)
oItem.Width = iWidth
oItem.Height = iHeight
oItem.LinkTo = LinkTo
Dim btn As SAPbouiCOM.LinkedButton = objForm.Items.Item(ItemUID).Specific '' To Assign New Button
btn.LinkedObjectType = strLinkedObjectType
btn.LinkedObject = strLinkedObject
End If
Catch ex As Exception
If objForm IsNot Nothing Then
objForm = Nothing
End If
If oItem IsNot Nothing Then
oItem = Nothing
End If
End Try
End Sub